Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Makin' a Pie

It's the day before Thanksgiving, and I had a couple of hours to kill.  So, I decided to make a pie.  And blog about it, of course.  But not just any pie... a PIONEER WOMAN pie.  Oh, yeah.

I made this "Dreamy Apple Pie" that PW posted during her pie week last week.  I only had to buy apples, pecans, and a pie crust, which was super convenient.  The whole recipe is in the link, so I won't post it here.  But you can look at the deliciouso pictures!

For an apple pie, you need apples.  The recipe called for Granny Smith, so I got those.  I follow directions.

Then, peel and core the apples.  I tried to do the whole peel-in-a-spiral thing but it was way too hard.  I chickened out.

Slice up the apples and throw them all into a bowl.

Oh look, my cat!  Hi, cat!  He was confused as to why I was taking pictures of baking a pie and not feeding him dinner.

Silly cat.  I have pies to bake!

In a separate bowl, combine white sugar and brown sugar.  DO NOT EAT!

This is a difficult step.

Then add heavy cream...


Psst... do you like my heart-shaped measuring spoons?

...a little cinnamon...

...and some flour.

Now, stir it all together.  Whee!!!

Pour the sauce mixture over the apples and toss to coat.  DO NOT EAT!

Mmmm.  And then it will look like this.

I ate one of these apple slices.  Shh, don't tell anyone.

For a pie, you need a pie crust.  I'm not cool enough to make my own, so I got a store-bought one.

I also am not cool enough to make fancy pie edges, so I just trimmed them.

Pour the apples into the pie crust evenly.

Now we have to make the topping.  I didn't know how to put together the food processor (aka: I'm too lazy) so I used the blender.  Throw in pecans, brown sugar, butter, and flour. 

Well, the blender didn't really work, so I had my mom help me put together the food processor and finished the job there.  It didn't have as clumpy of a mixture as PW did, but it'll do.

Spread the topping over the apples.  Now, put it in the over for an hour and be really patient.  Because when it comes out... will look like this!  Yum!

I'll let you know how it tastes tomorrow!

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

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