Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cookie Day

I meant to take this picture earlier but a swarm descended upon the cookies and, well, you see what happened.

Yesterday was cookie day in the office.  Cookie day? you may ask.  What is this magical event of which you speak?  Well, I am just so glad you asked, my friends.

I love baking, and while I also love eating baked goods, I don’t make it a habit of eating an entire batch of cookies in one sitting (usually).  I used to make cookies, only to have most of them eaten by my jerkatron neighbors, who would actually stand outside our door and smell if anyone was cooking, but now, I have found a much better outlet for my baking.  Coworkers!

I wrote in my introduction bio for my job that I looked forward to winning my coworkers over with my delicious baked goods, and everyone thought I was kidding but I never kid about such serious topics.  It’s hit the point where, if I don’t have cookies out on my desk Wednesday morning, the crowds start pestering me about where the baked goods are at.  And I’m like, guys, I’ve got THINGS TO DO and PEOPLE TO SEE and WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP EATING MY GOLDFISH NEIL they are multicolored and I don’t want to share.

Well, yesterday I was having Cheezits for lunch instead of goldfish and you best bet that there would be a smackdown before anyone touched my Cheezits so I figured I’d better make some cookies.  So I made two different kinds, those oatmeal raisin ones I made a couple of weeks ago and the classic chocolate chip which I churned out in about 20 minutes from start to clean-up with my Kitchenaid mixer, thankyouverymuch.

Here’s the thing, people.  This was a very special cookie day because it was actually the last cookie day ever.  You see, some THINGS have HAPPENED recently.  Tomorrow is my last day at my current job in media sales, and I will be starting a new position on Monday working in PR.  I’m so very excited to join the team at Cornerstone Communications, a boutique PR firm specializing in wine and food clients.  You can check them out at!

Guys I just realized that like when you are typing on your Mac the writing will reflect in the toolbar on the bottom if it is close enough and how have I never noticed this that is SO COOL.

Back on track get it together Courtney: I’m really pumped to start this new job because it’s been my dream to have a full-time position in PR, and I love food and wine, but I am sad to leave the peeps over at my old place.  Them’s good people, for reals, and it’s going to be weird leaving.  Besides, it was my first real job post-grad, and it’s the only reason I was able to move back to Manhattan and get an apartment with a creepazoid from Craigslist (I’m just kidding Reece, I love you, even if you did leave a pot of water boiling on the stove for an hour just now <3<3<3) and I’ll always be grateful for that.  But I feel like this transition marks a period of new opportunities and change, and I am looking forward to seeing what lies ahead.

For the record, my coworkers say they’ll miss me too.  But I think it’s just because of the cookies.

Oh, and don’t worry.  I’m still staying on the dodgeball team, which was my first concern when I said that I was leaving.  Because I’m just so great at athletics (not) I really don’t think they would be able to survive without me.  Plus, I’m going to wear a bandanna.  See below.

Here’s to new opportunities, new transitions, and taking chances!



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